Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Decos for days!

Wow, I am really enjoying working in these little books--what a hoot!

I received three in the past week and I am sending them on their merry way--to very diverse locations--today. Here's a peek at what I've been doing in these little books o' fun. I should mention that the backgrounds for all of these involved my recent tattered scraps experiments; just one page was done on an acrylic background.


  1. Gorgeous decos! I can't wait to get home next week and finally send my little book out. Hope I have enough pages, I want everyone to participate!!! Maybe I'll send it to you first as I love what you've been creating!!!!

  2. Love your decos, and can I say I love your picture of you. You always sound like a lovely happy person on your blog and in e mails and your face shows that a beautiful happy person.
    Can't wait for my deco to come home xxx

  3. Great pages. I especially love the last one!
